Growth Policy Update

2016 Final Adopted Growth Policy


Growth Policy Public Hearing Rescheduled to April 6th at 4p.m.

**Due to an error in publishing our agenda online, we will be postponing the Growth Policy Public Hearing that was scheduled for February 28 at 4p.m. The public comment period will be extended through April 6th at 4p.m.

January 17 Resolution of Intent to Adopt the Growth Policy Draft


Draft Growth Policy with Planning Board Recommendations

Appendix A with Planning Board Recommendations

Appendix B with Planning Board Recommendations

Memo to Commission Outlining Planning Board Recommendations

On January 17, 2017 at their regularily scheduled meeting the Park County Commission will vote on adopting a Resolution of Intent to Adopt the Growth Policy Draft. This is not a formal adoption of the Growth Policy but begins a public comment period prior to the adoption of a GrowthPolicy. Copies of the Draft Growth Policy may be reviewed on this webpage or hard copies may be reviewed at the Park County Planning Department, Park County Commission Office, Livingston Chamber, the Livingston/Park County Library, Val's Deli (Wilsall), Clyde Park City Hall, the Emigrant General Store, Gardiner Chamber, and the Cooke City/ Silver Gate Community Center. Hardcopies are also available for purchase at the Park County Planning Department.

Written comments can be mailed to the Park County Planning Department at 414 East Callender Street Livingston, Montana 59047, or emailed to Residents are encouraged to submit written comments prior to the hearing, but comments will be accepted and considered up to the end of the public hearing. The Park County Commission will hold a public hearing on April 6, 2017 at 4 pm in the Community room of the City/County Building.

November 17 Public Hearing Comments for Draft Growth Policy

Written Comment to Public Hearing

Written Comment  from 11-17-2016

Transcribed Verbal Comments from 11-17-2016

Growth Policy Draft Comment Period Open

The Park County Planning and Development Board is now collecting written comment on the Draft Park County Growth Policy Update. 

On Thursday, November 17, 2016 at 4:00 p.m. the Planning and Development Board will hold a public hearing on the draft in the Community Room in the City-County Building at 414 East Callender Street Livingston, Montana.

Draft Growth Policy (superseded)

Appendix A - Existing Conditions Report (superseded)

Appendix B - Public Input (superseded)

Written comments can be mailed to the Park County Planning Department at 414 East Callender Street Livingston, Montana 59047, or emailed to  To have your comment submitted in time for consideration of the Planning and Development Board during the hearing, they will need to be received by November 17, 2016 by 4:00 p.m. 

Draft Growth Policy Goals and Objectives

In June of 2016, Park County Staff, members of the Planning and Development Board and the consultants organized and executed a series of public open houses and workshops to gather feedback on the first draft of the key issues, goals and objectives for the Park County Growth Policy Update. Based on feedback from these meetings, the key issues, goals and objectives were revised.

Draft Goals and Objectives

Why Update the Growth Policy?

  • State law requires a Growth Policy be reviewed every five years to evaluate whether it needs to be revised.  The Park County Growth Policy has not been updated since 2008.

What is in a Growth Policy?

  • A Growth Policy is a non-regulatory document that identifies key aspects of Park County and articulates the concerns, issues and goals of Park County residents.
  • State law identifies several elements that a Growth Policy must consider including:
  1. Land uses;
  2. population;
  3. housing needs;
  4. economic conditions;
  5. local services;
  6. public facilities;
  7. natural resources;
  8. sand and gravel resources;
  9. wildland urban interface;
  10. criteria for subdivision review; and,
  11. when and under what conditions the growth policy will be reviewed and updated.

Who Will be Involved?

  • Beyond State required elements, the Growth Policy is guided by the public. There will be five public forums throughout Park County as well as written and online surveys and Growth Policy Update status reports every week at the Commissioner's meetings. The public is also encouraged to contact the Park County Planning Department or Commission to provide input at any time throughout the process.
  • The Park County Commission hired Land Solutions LLC, a Montana planning firm, through a Community Development Block Planning Grant to manage the Growth Policy Update.
  • The Park County Planning Department, the Park County Commissioners, the Planning and Development Board and the Growth Policy Update Committee will provide assistance as needed throughout the process. 

Contact Information:

  • Park County Planning Office
  • Michael Inman
  • Lawson Moorman
  • (406) 222-4102
  • Park County Commission
  • (406) 222-4106
  • Land Solutions
  • (406) 664-2658

How is This Funded?

  • The Growth Policy update is funded through a Community Development Block Planning Grant and through local Park County funds.

Project Timeline

  • Currently, the consultants are drafting an existing conditions report, due to be released in late May.
  • In  April and early May, interviews to identify key issues were held with County staff, key stakeholders and community groups.
  • In June, a series of five community meetings were held in locations throughout the County to gather input on draft goals and objectives. 
  • A questionare was conducted in August to gather input on alternative approaches for addressing key issues in Park County.
  • The first draft of the Growth Policy is scheduled to be released in the Fall.
  • Following the release of a draft, meetings will be held with the public, the Planning and Development Board and the County Commissioners to obtain feedback on the draft.
  • The revised and final Growth Policy is set to be completed in early 2017.

Growth Policy Update Documents