Diaper Depot
Come by the Health Department office (basement of City/County Complex building- 414 E Callender St.) for a free pack of 60 diapers. Limit 13 packs total per child per year.
Mothers of babies
A welcoming safe space for mothers and children 3 years and younger. Ask questions and get answers from a registered nurse, get connected to community resources and form a supportive network with other mothers. Appetizers provided!
Every Thursday from 4-5 PM at the Food Resource Center (202 South 2nd St.)
breastfeeding peer counselor
Our Breastfeeding Peer Counselor is a free resource for breastfeeding parents and all things breastfeeding-related. She offers a variety of services including:
Home visits
Our Breastfeeding Peer Counselor is happy to come to your home to offer breastfeeding support. She can assess latch, connect you to resources, and help you reach your breastfeeding goals.
Phone support
The Breastfeeding Peer Counselor is available by phone or text. She has a dedicated phone to answer questions and concerns you may have, or to just be your cheerleader on your breastfeeding journey!
Office appointments
Appointments are also available in the WIC Office or any location you may choose. The Breastfeeding Peer Counselor is happy to work with your schedule to best meet your needs.
To schedule your appointments or find out more about our breastfeeding services, call Ruby Ensing at 406-222-1189 or email her at rensing@parkcounty.org
Car Seat Safety
The Park County Fire Department can inspect your car seats to ensure they are installed properly. Stop by the Health Department office in the basement of the City/County Complex (414 E Callender St.) and we will point you in the right direction!
You can also find out more about car seat safety at https://mdt.mt.gov/visionzero/people/seatbelts.shtml