Confluence Park Project

Park County successfully aquired the property in May 2016 and improvements to National Park Service and County portions of Confluence Park are underway as part of the Gardiner Gateway Project Phase 2.  These improvements were completed in the Spring of 2017.

Confluence Park (so named because of its proximity to the confluence of the Gardner and Yellowstone Rivers) is located in Gardiner, Montana. This recreational area is currently owned by Gardiner Water and Sewer District (GW&SD). The parcel has a long history of use by boaters, kayakers, swimmers, fisherman and other outdoor recreationalists who for over 75 years have accessed the area more as a public access than the private property it actually is. The parcel was purchased by GW&SD both because it bordered property owned by the District and also as an effort to keep the area available for public access and use. The parcel is the only public access to the Yellowstone River in the town of Gardiner; the Queen of the Waters Fishing Access is located 3.5 miles to the north. Funds were recently awarded by the Montana Fish & Wildlife Conservation Trust for the purchase of the approximately 1.2 acre parcel to ensure perpetual public access. Public information signs will inform the public of essential information regarding acceptable activities, rules associated with the publicly accessible parcel and information regarding the National Park land entered to access the property.

For more information regarding the Confluence Park Project, please contact:

Mike Inman, Planning Director
414 E. Callender St
Livingston, MT 59047


Email any project related questions or comments to: