Capital Improvements Plan

Capital Improvements Plan

Final Document

Capital Improvement Plan Draft Public Comment Document 12/18/14-1/19/15 Comment Period

Under the direction of the County Commission and Public Works Director, it is the County's intent that a Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) be prepared to help identify future public facility needs, assess the requirements for existing and future facilities, plan for infrastructure management, establish project priorities and create a long-range program for the scheduling and funding of construction or repair projects. The Plan will be designed to ensure that capital improvements will be made when and where needed, and that the County will have the funds available to pay for and maintain them. The CIP will be updated annually or as necessary and reviewed as part of the County's budget preparation process. The recommended CIP will be presented to the County Commission for their approval at a public hearing once a draft has been generated for review by the community. At present, consultant selection has taken place and planning and needs assessments for each County department are being performed.


For more information regarding the Capital Improvement Plan, please contact:

Parks Frady, Public Works Director
414 E.Callender
Livingston, MT 59047


Email any project related questions or comments to: >