A Subdivision is the creation of one or more parcels less than 160-acres in size, or the creation of two or more spaces for Recreational Camping Vehicles (RVs) or Mobile Homes. ALL Subdivision proposals require review and approval by the Park County Commission prior to implementation. If you are interested in pursuing Subdivision please follow the steps listed below:
In order to Subdivide your property:
1. General subdivision inquiries may be emailed to a planner at planning@parkcounty.org or by calling 406-222-4102.
2. We highly recommend anyone interested in subdivision to review Chapter II, III, IV and VI of the Park County Subdivision Regulations (link below) to gain a better understanding of the subdivision review process and requirements.
3. If you would like to proceed with subdividing your property after reviewing the materials above, all landowners are required to contact our office in writing, preferably email ( planning@parkcounty.org ) in order to request a Pre-Application Meeting, which is required under the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act and the local Subdivision Regulations. Click the link below to receive a copy of the Pre-Application Meeting Handout which describes the information you will be required to submit prior to meeting with a planner, and other items covered during the Pre-Application Meeting. Please note: All property owners, or a representative with Power of Attorney, are required to be present during an official Pre-Application Meeting.
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