mUNICIPAL GENERAL: November 2, 2021

Candidate filing for the Municipal Election closes June 21st, 2021 at 5:00 pm

Current Candidate Filings

Deadline to file as a Write-In Candidate for the Municipal General Election: August 30, 2021


County-Wide: Posing the question to the qualified electors of Park County on whether or not they will approve a 3% local-option excise tax on the retail value of all marijuana and marijuana products sold at an adult-use dispensary or medical marijuana dispensary.

                        Read the Resolution here

City- Wide*: Posing to the qualified electors of The City of Livingston the question of establishing a charter form of government for the purpose of changing the general powers form of government to a self-government form through a charter.

                        Read the Resolution here

City- Wide*: Posing to the qualified electors of the City of Livingston the question of the issuance of a general obligation bond in a principal amount not to exceed $20,000,000 for the purpose of funding the construction of one or more separated grade rail crossing and related infrastructure; and taking certain other actions with respect thereto.

                        Read the Resolution here

*Questions in regard to the City-Wide Ballot Issues should be directed to the City of Livingston