VIEW - PRINT- SAVE   Park County Documents   march 13, 1972 - current

iDOC Link

                  iDoc Fees and Information


1. RECORD DATE   allows you to search for a particular date or range of recording dates

2. DOCUMENT NUMBER   allows you to search for a document by the recording number. If you have a Book and Page number you would enter:
  R_ (space) then the #.

3. INSTRUMENT TYPE   will narrow down the type of document searched. To get all the documents under a party name, leave this blank.

4. PARTY NAME   allows you to search for both grantor and grantee. We index Last Name, First Name.“Contains” is the broadest search you can do in this field.

5. CITY – SUBDIVISION – LOT – BLOCK – SECTION/TOWNSHIP/RANGE   allows you to search lots and blocks in the city limits of Livingston for example, not surveys or subdivisions.

6. SURVEY NUMBER   allows you to search surveys, subdivisions and plats. The best way to search this field is to select “SURVEYS” under “Instrument Type” and select “Contains”. This will pull up any of these documents with those numbers.


To do a broad search, “Less is More”, select one field only. For example, just the last name in “PARTY NAME” and hit Search.
This will pull up every document type under that name.


If you have any questions or need assistance, please call our office at:
(406) 222-4110